We’re coming up on fifty episodes of The Cartridge Family, already. Can you believe it? It feels like just yesterday we were digging into our very first show, green as can be, naive and ready for anything. Yet here we stand, on the precipice of a major numerical milestone, gazing back at our past work and all I can think is (cue music) “looks like we made it”. I’ll save the reminiscing for later this month, though. On to today’s show!

It was certainly a busy week for games. We received more info on the upcoming Super Smash Bros. Ultimate, a platform brawler with more characters than even Game of Thrones. And, in case Nintendo wasn’t satiating your thirst for gaming news this week, Rockstar came swooping in to rescue you. Red Dead Redemption II, the delayed and long awaited “cowboy game” as Andrew likes to refer to it, is on its way to PC and consoles this October. So, developer Rockstar Games provided some gameplay footage to stoke the proverbial hype fire that’s been smoldering these past few years. Before I get completely annihilated by Buffa via dairy products (hard to explain) at the end of the show, the fam discusses game preservation and the legal and financial complications that prevent a ubiquitous system from already being in place. We do, after all, love old games here. Thanks so much for listening!